The conception, birth, and first steps of an application named Charlie

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Charlie’s Hiatus

by Alister Jones (SomeNewKid)

It has been many months since I last updated this blog.

I have been quite undecided as to whether to explain the reason why Charlie was put aside for a while. It has all the makings of a fun story: alcohol, nudity, deception, and betrayal. However, one of the principals of the story would be humiliated (no, no, not me; I’d be the protagonist of the story). While this person is someone I now despise for her duplicity, deliberately embarrassing her would mean that I have no more principles than she does. And anything less than the truth is, to my mind, a lie. I do not want to lie.

I can only say then that Charlie slept from September through November last year.

Starting with my next post, I will resume the story of Charlie.

by Alister Jones | Next up: Charlie Takes Inspiration from Cuyahoga

