The conception, birth, and first steps of an application named Charlie

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Source Code Control System

by Alister Jones (SomeNewKid)

The third chapter of Coder to Developer recommends the use of a source code control system. After hours of effort, it is evident that I am not smart enough to use a source code control system.

The first system I endeavoured to try was CVS. I followed the download link and came to a page listing 102 files. I had no idea whether I needed all of them, some of them, or one of them. I could find no documentation telling me what I needed to download. I figured that if the product was presented such that I could not even install it, I didn’t stand a chance of being able to use it.

The second system I endeavoured to try was SourceGear Vault. Even though its download page was not much better than that of CVS, I managed to download the installation file. I even managed to install the product, but it would not run. After a few efforts at reinstalling it with different settings, I gave up.

The third system I trialled was the Beta of Visual SourceSafe 2005. It installed without issue and ran without issue. However, after toying with it for an hour or so, I could not succeed in branching and then merging file versions. As I am a single developer, the main attraction of a source code control system was the ability to branch and then merge file versions.

Right now I am feeling pretty dumb. CVS is apparently in wide use, and I cannot even install it. VSS is apparently a simple source code control system, and I cannot even work with it.


by Alister Jones | Next up: To Hell with Coder to Developer

