The conception, birth, and first steps of an application named Charlie

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The Secret of Life - Continued

by Alister Jones (SomeNewKid)

In my last weblog entry, I opened with some advice presented in the movie City Slickers. I then waffled on about what might be important, without coming to any conclusion.

Well, another line from the same movie has Curly saying to Mitch, “You city folk, you sure worry about a lot of crap, don’t you?” (Something like that, anyhow.) That’s me, worrying about a lot of crap.

In a draft of a weblog entry that never got published, I said that DotNetNuke is complex software that produces ugly websites. I then said that Charlie is to be simple software that produces beautiful websites. Well, that’s good enough. It defines what Charlie is—simple software—and what it does—produce beautiful websites. That’s good enough.

by Alister Jones | Next up: In Search of an Interface Convention

