The conception, birth, and first steps of an application named Charlie

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Lessons Learned

by Alister Jones (SomeNewKid)

Over the last few weeks I have been bringing the story of Charlie up to date. The last few weblog entries concerned some fundamental pieces of Charlie’s interface system. With those basic interface pieces in place, Charlie can now serve simple, secure, localized, and configurable webpages. If you refer back to the software specifications, you will see that this means Charlie is adhering to its specifications. And at this point, the story of Charlie is now up to date.

Right now, all configuration is carried out directly in SQL Enterprise Manager. There is no administration interface that allows a website owner to configure his or her own website. That’s okay, because it means I have been concentrating on the function, and not the form, of the application. But the time has come to add some flesh to the skeleton of Charlie. (While that is a common and helpful metaphor, it really is quite gruesome when you think about it. Urgh!)

My last weblog entry was a failed attempted to suggest that this next stage in the development of Charlie will consist of three stages. First, I need to design the administration interface. Second, I need to hand-craft the design of the administration interface. Third, I will need to implement that hand-crafted design.

Before I move on to the design of the administration interface, I thought I would pause to describe some of the lessons I have learned in getting Charlie to its current point. That is what I will do in the next few weblog entries.

by Alister Jones | Next up: Lesson: Don’t Forget .NET

